
This blog: gleanings and sowings

01 Mar 2020

This blog is intended as a collection of gleanings and sowings — récoltes et semailles — of morsels of knowledge accumulated through some years of trial and effort in my attempts to understand topics that I found engaging or difficult.

Topics include, but are not limited to: mathematics (pure and applied), statistics, social theory, economics (political economy, macroeconomics, financial economics), informatics, physics, machine learning, and biology (computational, evolutionary).

Some words of warning for any potential readers: the dates on these posts are effectively meaningless — they exist to satisfy a Jekyll requirement for a specific date — but somewhat correlate with the start of writing rather than date of publication. In a possibly postmodern turn, I reserve the right to edit posts in the future without warning.

That said, hopefully the writing is at least tolerable, if not enjoyable.